Chronic Fatigue

The Office on Women’s Health defines chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) as a complex, chronic illness that involves extreme fatigue that cannot be remedied with bed rest. Additionally, activities that involve physical exertion or even the use of mental energy may exacerbate fatigue. In any case, though, the condition is not diagnosed until the fatigue has persisted for 6 or more months.
Depending on the severity of the condition, you may experience a variety of different symptoms in addition to fatigue. Common ancillary symptoms include unrefreshing sleep, general weakness, muscle and joint pain, headache, and concentration or memory issues. These symptoms often vary in intensity and may come and go or persist for weeks to months and even years.

What Causes CFS?

At large, the cause for chronic fatigue is unknown. However, research suggests that a number of factors may be involved such as viruses, hypotension, immune impairment, and hormonal issues. Many times the condition seems to manifest following a viral infection. Viruses that have been identified to have a possible connection to CFS include human herpes virus six, Ross River virus, Epstein-Barr, human retroviruses, mycoplasma, rubella, and Candida alibicans, including yeast infections. Additionally, many individuals who develop CFS are predisposed to a weakened immune system.

As the cause of CFS is unknown, it is somewhat difficult to identify specific risk factors for the condition; however, research has identified a few commonly linked factors. Women between the ages of 30 and 50 are in the group of people most often affected by the condition, so age and gender present a potential risk. Likewise, individuals who are overweight and are relatively inactive are more likely to develop fatigue. Addition factors that may increase your risk of developing CFS include genetic predisposition, allergies, stress, and some environmental factors.

Remedies include:

Eliminate Fluoride Consumption

Fluoride has long been known to dramatically interfere with cellular energy production.  New evidence, however, suggests that as a neuroendocrine disruptor, fluoride is capable of not only triggering widespread fatigue (not relieved by sleep or rest), but all of the other symptoms associated with CFS as well, including severe joint pain, muscle pain and stiffness, and even debilitating memor

y and concentration problems.The symptoms of CFS can actually mimic a number of other common conditions, such as mono, Lyme disease, lupus, fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, and multiple sclerosis, which is why it is so important to see your doctor if you are experiencing fatigue. Once diagnosed, your doctor can also help you identify an appropriate route of treatment, which typically pairs traditional medical care with effective home remedies to balance your care routine. In most cases, modifying your lifestyle slightly, incorporating nutritional supplements, and incorporating alternative medicine can effectively alleviate symptoms and fatigue. If you are dealing with CFS, you may want to try supplements like magnesium, fish oil, and evening primrose oil in addition to alternative medical practices like acupuncture or tai chi.

1. Magnesium

The University of Maryland Medical Center lists magnesium as one of the most helpful nutrients for treating chronic fatigue. Magnesium serves a variety of purposes in your body including normalizing your blood pressure and maintaining a steady heart rhythm. Good cardiovascular health is essential for reducing fatigue symptoms. Begin by taking 300mg per day and gradually increase your dosage to 1,000mg per day.

2. Fish Oil

Fish oil is another important remedy for fatigue. This supplement contains essential fats that help maintain your body’s energy stores. You should work up to a dose of 1,000mg 3 times per day of this nutritional supplement.

3. Evening Primrose Oil

Evening primrose oil is used for a variety of purposes. For treating CFS, it helps reduce pain and lessens fatigue. 

Evening primrose oil.

 contains a high concentration of the fatty acid GLA, which possesses remarkable healing properties. This fatty acid helps regulate your hormones and control pain. For treatment, take 3,000 to 6,000mg per day.

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