Fermented Red Onions with little known secret

Raw onions are pungent, cooked onions loses nutrients. The best option is fermenting. Fermenting provides the best flavor. Its pleasantly pungent with a subtle sweetness and is mildly acidic from natural chemical changes taking place under a brine without sugar or vinegar.

Fermentation retains its crispiness and enhancing its digestibility, nutrition and good microbes.

Use fermented red onions in soups, stews, casseroles, tacos, sandwiches, charcuterie boards and salads.

THE BIG SECRET: Fermentation enhances the quercetin. Quercetin reduces inflammation, it's an antioxidant, antiviral, antimicrobial and more. With all these compounds it has the ability to tackle a wide variety of illnesses. It's extremely effective in managing heart disease, chronic fatigue and arthritis.

Most of the quercetin is found the papery layer and outer skin of red onions. 

While the outer layer and peels are unappetizing, fermentation draws the quercetin, other nutrients and phytochemicals into the brine thus transferring the quercetin into the onions.

The recipe includes the peels the part most people throw away.


2 medium organic red onions with skins

3 large cloves of garlic

1Tablespoons of pepper black pepper corns

3 large bay leaves

1 Tablespoon of iodized salt

2 Cups of water

1 quart jar

2 unbleached coffee filters

1 rubber band

Peel onions: Set skins aside

Slice the onions into thin slices

Crush the pepper corns into chunks

Peel and crush the garlic cloves into very small pieces

Layer the onion peels and skins in the bottom of the quart jar. 

Add the onions, garlic, pepper corns and bay leaves into the jar.

Mix the salt into the two cups of water and mix until its completely dissolved. 

Pour salt water over the onions. Make sure all onions are covered. The amount of water may need to be adjusted to cover all the onions or a few slices of onions may have to be removed.

Cover the jar with the coffee filter and secure with a rubber band.

Let stand for 7-10 days on a countertop. Remove coffee filter daily and lightly stir. Then recover with filter and rubber band. 

They are ready to eat in 7-10 days.

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